matRock, matMoto, matmasjid, matMetal,matKastam, matJiwa, matMisai, matCD, matPunk, matsmart, matmasjid, matrix, matJiwang, matRebel, matJanggut, matTenggek, matYoyo, matKilang, matPSA, matAirport, matITE, matmechanic, matJohor, matEmo, matPolis, matBomba, matKompang, matCuciPinggan, matKendarat, matSilat, matArmy, matGymbo, matKawin2, matmatHematics....

Monday, October 06, 2008

Eid Mubaraq 2008

Assalamualaikum to all who have found their way here, one way or another.

Matmelayu & associates [other mats] would like to wish all our loyal Muslim websurfers to the site a Selamat Hari Raya or Eid Mubaraq as the Arabs would put it. May the blessed month of Ramadhan has brought a positive change to your Life and loved ones around you.

How you got here? Shameless advertising? Site popularity? Word of mouth? Recommendations from gossipy aunties? Banner ad campaign? None of the marketing strategies I have employed. What next? Facebook! Ok I'm gonna be there next since its the next social networking engine to be and to be seen. Fame is not what I'm after. Trust me on this one. I'm just after the passive income for early retirement. MatPassiveIncome is a closet cousin of MatAmway and MatDotCom. Their chief motivation in Life is to seek that holy grail where money will just appear in their ever fattening bank account. This is expected to happen once a turning point has been attained in their slick business strategem. Although methodologies may differ, the idea of passive income is both seductive and sexy. MatAMWAY would be seen paddling soap bottles [LOC] or other household products [of which you would be spending on anyway] and would jump into a business plan presentation if you say the magic word - Sure, show me the plan. MatDotCom has his sights on global domination by mimicking the likes of Internet giants Google, Ebay, Facebook, etc.

Coming Up....
What's a matmelayu blogsite without a mat dictionary? A mat dictionary is presently in the making to be uploaded to the site so that site surfers would get acquianted with the mat's lingua franca.

For those in the Woodlands, Choa Chu Kang area, MatTuition You folks gotta send your cousins, brothers, kids to this guy. He's good. The tuition list is restricted and the waiting list is 7 years - so I heard.

Ok once again .. before I get too sleepy... Selamat Hari Raya.... ok kawan2 semua...
Will put up the evergreen mat rock raya song here soon...