matRock, matMoto, matmasjid, matMetal,matKastam, matJiwa, matMisai, matCD, matPunk, matsmart, matmasjid, matrix, matJiwang, matRebel, matJanggut, matTenggek, matYoyo, matKilang, matPSA, matAirport, matITE, matmechanic, matJohor, matEmo, matPolis, matBomba, matKompang, matCuciPinggan, matKendarat, matSilat, matArmy, matGymbo, matKawin2, matmatHematics....

Friday, August 11, 2006

Haha Im In...

Ahhh after much proliferation of the blog culture, takder orang pun yang register for this blogname? What a waste.. hahaha... the matmelayu is a legendary, sensonalised, phenomenal cultural malay icon that has come a long long way. *what an opportunity... so misrepresented, misunderstood, miscalculated. Yet we(the mats have evolved from the onset of history and a highly quialified candidate for a Discovery Channel special feature. Pasti ramai yang nak tahu the profiles, historical profiling and the adventures of the mat melayu Singapore. The past, present, future - the evolution of the mat. The mindset & psychology of the matmelayus. Have to confine this subject to MatMelayu Singapore. Walaupun begitu matmelayu seberang tambak will be discussed nevertheless. Saper2 nak contribute commentaries are always welcomed. MatModern sees the need to network.

Yeah Im a mat melayu. And Im proud of it. We always Rock babe.

Untuk blog ini, terpaksalah gua tulis dalam bahasa mat supaya dapat menyelami lebih dalam jiwa seorang mat.

Adventures Today
(1) Khutbah Jumaat tadi (most likely all over entire Singapore) jika semua pihak berbuat diam dan berharap gejala yang menimpa masyarakat kita hari dengan agak dramatic. Nak cakap pun malu. Pasal mat2 ngan minah2 buat kerja kat tangga2, flat2 belum siap, kat rumah time makbapak takder rumah, kat bawah lori, kwickie trip to Phuket dengan members, chalet...mana2lah dapat chance.... MatMentel dont make us melayu Islam malu ok...

(2) Liquid Bombs is making a fashionable entry into the world of air travel... the latest terrorist threat... this is gonna be a tough one, security is gonna be tighter since metal detactors are simply meant for metals. (MatMetal can never pass through a metal detector).... Just mix to independent liquids and kblammmm.... conincidentally was kena activated for IMF security duties.... the threat looks more manacing than necessary... hopefully for everyone everything goes fine... tapi kalau ada apa2 terjadi pun adventure jugak ....

(3) Ongoing topic .. apa agaknya Datuk K tengah buat sekarang...? dammmmit. Ada yang suspect pasal takder yang berani nak sound Siti... tu pasal dia kena cekup dengan MatMisai....



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